How to integrate TikTok pixel into your Presave or outnow link

How to integrate TikTok pixel into your Presave or outnow link

22 Sep 2023

If you’re creating a new pixel:

  1. Create your new pixel and select “Manual setup

  2. Give your pixel a name
  3. Add 2 new custom events (make sure the names are a perfect match):
    1. PresaveStarted
    2. PresaveCompleted”
  4. Drag-and-drop
    Make sure it looks like this:

    1. PresaveStarted” to “Consideration
    2. PresaveCompleted” to “Conversion
    3. Click Button” to “Conversion
  5. Click next, and check “Custom Code”

  6. (Optional) select “Description” and “Product_category” parameters
  7. Click next and finish
  8. Copy your TikTok pixel ID and paste it into the field on your Presave or Outnow page


If you’re editing an already active pixel:

  1. Click “Add events” → Manual setup
  2. Add 2 new custom events (make sure the names are a perfect match):
    1. PresaveStarted
    2. PresaveCompleted
  3. Drag-and-drop
    Make sure it looks like this:

    1. PresaveStarted” to “Consideration
    2. PresaveCompleted” to “Conversion
    3. Click Button” to “Conversion
  4. Click next, and check “Custom Code”

  5. (Optional) select “Description” and “Product_category” parameters
  6. Click next and finish
  7. Copy your TikTok pixel ID and paste it into the field on your Presave or Outnow page.